CyberSecure Systems, building secure solutions for a connected world

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Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Saving the wild, one animal at a time


Performance Management System

This app measures performance of employees in a company and distributes the binus according to their performance

  • Firebase
  • React


Android App for animal's feed formulas using linear programming

  • React Native
  • Scipy

Prediction of Interaction of proteins with genetic material

Classifies proteins into RNA-interacting, DNA-interacting, both or none using machine learning

  • Scikit Learn
  • Python

Conference and Events Management App

This website is used for registration of different events and yearly conferences.

  • Python
  • Django
  • Authentication
  • Authorization

Work Measuring App

This app captures images from a python app installed on desktop and sends these files to the server every 5 minutes to track work of employees in the company

  • Python
  • Selenium

Image, GIF, Boomerang capture and Image Editing

This app captures Images and GIFS and has the ability to apply stickers and frames to the captured images, downloading them and sharing them on social media

  • Python
  • Django
  • Javascript
  • WebRTC

Startup Blog Web App

A simple blog web app made for content about science and technology

  • Next
  • NodeJS
  • Firebase

Discord Data Scraping

This script was about scraping data of almost all the discord bots on the internet

  • Python
  • Selenium
  • Requests

Products Automated Uploaded

This script was about uploading products from an Excel file to E-commerce website

  • Python
  • Selenium

Scaping websites behind CAPTCHAs

This App was about scraping data from a site protected behind CAPTCHA, the app run in Cloud Run in a containerized environment containing headless selenium webdriver scraping site data

  • Python
  • Selenium
  • App Engine
  • Docker

Web App fetching Data from different scraped sources

This app was about measuring insurance quotes from different websites after getting input

  • Python
  • Selenium

Data cleaning and processing of US Elections data

This app was about data cleaning and processing of US Elections data

  • Python
  • Pandas
  • requests

Web App hooking for Automated Whatsapp Commuication

There were two versions of this web app in flask which listens to incoming messages and responds them with Twillio API in one version and Nexmo in other

  • Python
  • Nexmo API
  • Twillio API

Simple scraping script

This project included scraping all data foound on a site and giving it in CSV format

  • Python
  • Selenium


  • Javascript

    Experiece with
    WebRTC, React.js, React Native, Next.js, Express.js and many other NPM packages

  • Python

    Experience with
    Flask, Django, Selenium webdriver, Tkinter, Testing

  • Databases

    Experience with
    MongoDB, Firebase, MySQL, PosgreSQL

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